Presbyterian Church U.S.A. The denomination’s website, which links to all of our global mission co-workers, throughout South America, the Middle East, SE Asia, and throughout Africa.
Board of Pensions helps Presbyterian congregations and affiliated employers care for our ministers and employees. Including ongoing care of its members, it also provides emergency assistance to retired pastors.
Inspiration Station In 2021, the MVP Mission Commission forged a partnership with the Inspiration Station, which has been in operation in Norwalk, Ohio since 2014 tutoring many Latinx students K-12 in conversational English, and assisting with reading, writing, and also GED and Citizenship programs for adults.
Kirkmont Center A Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center, Kirkmont Center is nestled in the wilderness of Logan County, providing a summer experience rich in fun, friendship, learning, and adventure. Open Year round for other groups.
Ohio Migrant Education Center A local education agency based in Fremont, Ohio, which provides instructional and supportive services to migrant students in Ohio. Through our Mobile Health fair we have historically partnered with the Ohio Migrant Education Center, and continue to commit to our Matthew 25 Identity, seeking Racial/Economic justice.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Funded by numerous special offerings of our churches, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations to witness the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events. When hurricanes, flooding, or violent acts happen in the US, PDA is there. When a tornado struck Celina, Ohio in 2018, PDA was there. When one of our churches was devastated by flooding in 2019, PDA was there. When COVID-19 hit, PDA was there assisting one of our racial-ethnic congregations with extraordinary needs of their community members.
Presbyterian Foundation Working to strengthen congregations and related mission and ministry efforts through stewardship, developing gifts, and managing funds, the Presbyterian Foundation also manages our endowment.
Presbyterian Historical Society A partner through our per capita dollars, PHS provides records managment and preservation services to all of our churches, which is particularly beneficial for some of our oldest churches in Ohio, like First Presbyterian Church of Milan, Ohio where Thomas Edison was baptized as a young boy.
Presbyterian Hunger Fund Through the “Two-Cents-a-Meal” Program, many of our churches fight hunger and food insecurity in SE Michigan and NW Ohio, with some monies going to the national Presbyterian Hunger Fund, while other money stays in the presbytery and is distributed to local food banks. This is a part of MVP’s Matthew 25 Initiative, a commitment to alleviating systemic poverty.
Presbyterian Women is the women’s organization of the PCUSA, often at the forefront of justic and peace ministry, informing mission and community-building work.
The Synod of the Covenant A regional unit of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a partnership of 11 presbyteries primarily in Ohio and Michigan, and whose office is in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Toledo Campus Ministry An ecumenical campus ministry at the Univeristy of Toledo campus that welcomes students from all spiritual and theological backgrounds as they grow together in Christ. Partners with the ELCA Lutheran Church, UMC Methodist, UCC, and Disciples of Christ.
WeCARE for Students A coalition for access to religious education serving Ohio for School Ministries, Inc. They provide Christian programming for public school students.
West Ohio Food Bank Fighting food insecurity for 11 counties (including Paulding, Van Wert, Putnam, Allen, Hancock, Seneca, and Wyandot Counties), this has historically been one of the primary beneficiaries of our “Two-Cents-a-Meal” program.
Other Related Agencies
The Administrative Personnel Association is a professional association for administrative staff of churches, governing bodies, agencies and institutions of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Anthony Wayne Food Pantry in Whitehouse, Ohio, fights food insecurity for many suburbian Toledoians. Started by Presbyterians at the Waterville Presbyterian Church and others, the Anthony Wayne Food Pantry is a beacon for many in Toledo and beyond.
Hancock County Christian Clearing House brings together multiple service agencies for assistance for those who live in Hancock County.
Hospice of Northwest Ohio is to substantially improve the quality of life for terminally ill patients and families in our community by providing exceptional care. We celebrate the quality and value of service to each patient and family.
Lial Renewal Center in Whitehouse, Ohio is the site of many of our Spiritual Formation Retreats every fall and spring. A ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Lial is a place of rest and renewal for Presbyterians and Catholics alike.
Presbyterian Association of Musicians Worship is the human response to God’s grace and infinite love. It is central to the life of Christ’s church. Music is one of the integral elements of our worship. Acting on these convictions, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians energetically promotes and teaches the language of faith through worship so that all of God’s people, young and old, are vitally involved in singing, praying, proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Swan Creek Retirement Village located in Toledo, OH is northwest Ohio’s premiere continuing care retirement community and an Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Community, and is in partnership with one of our churches, Glendale Presbyterian Church, which worships in their chapel.
The Thoughtful Christian is an online marketplace including books and downloadable resources that are perfect for Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, or individual reflection.