About Us
Comprised of around 65 congregations with almost 10,000 members in 24 counties of Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan, Maumee Valley Presbytery is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Synod of the Covenant. The presbytery is responsible for the government of the church throughout its district, and for assisting and supporting the witness of congregations to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that all congregations become communities of faith, hope, love, and witness (Book of Order, G-3.03).
Our Mission & Vision
Maumee Valley Presbytery embodies the belief that we are called by Jesus Christ in this time and place to live as a covenant community; transforming lives and communities in Jesus Christ; making healthy transitions as leaders & congregations. through ministries of witness, justice, and mercy. We as a presbytery prepare and support leaders to build vital congregations that reach seekers and those in need, nurture disciples, and send apostles of our Lord into the world. This is represented even at the structural level of our main committees: Leadership, Discipleship, and Mission.