September 19, 2023
2:00-3:00 p.m. is a time for Open Space Opportunities

We will begin in the Sanctuary to introduce different opportunities, and then break out to different locations.  Open to ALL, guests and visitors encouraged (i.e. this is not just for presbytery commissioners but for anyone!). 

Native Gardens and Sacred Grounds 
Lee Walsh and Amy Remaklus, Leaders
Come see the FPC Tecumseh Rain Garden, hear stories of this congregation’s work in native plantings, and hear from Toledo Campus Ministry Executive Director Rev. Amy Remaklus on her work with native gardens at the University of Toledo.  (Discussion begins at 2pm and the Garden Tour portion of this Open Space will happen at 2:30)

Guidelines for Session Personnel Committees        
Rev. Tom Steensma (Leadership Commission), Leader
There are both opportunities and pitfalls for those charged with reviewing lay and clergy staff.  This workshop is designed for new and for seasoned Personnel Committees, as well as others who evaluation the work of lay and clergy staff.

English as a Second Language as an Outreach Program 
Rev. Leo Pech, Leader
Are you considering hosting ESL Classes, or interested in hearing how this can be a powerful outreach ministry?  Join Rev. Leo Pech as he shares about the Mission, purpose, plan, materials, organization, networking, and volunteers needed for an ESL Program in your church.  

Community Partners and Opening Your Building
Kevin Burchett & David Hammond, Leaders
Come share ideas on how opening the church building to community partners has been a means of engaging the community, and expanding the mission beyond Sunday morning, and building needed revenue.  This conversation will be lead by leaders of FPC Tecumseh. 

Also—there will be an Organizational meeting at 2:00pm
for those attending the MVP PDA trip in October to Kentucky.

The Presbytery meeting officially begins at 3pm