November 14, 2023 2:30 p.m. (Immediately following the presbytery meeting that starts at 10am) We will begin in the Sanctuary to introduce different opportunities, and then break out to different locations for one hour. Open to ALL, guests and visitors encouraged. Social Media, Church Websites, Communication: HELP! Matt Meinke, Leader Explore best practices together about church communications, websites, and social media in this constantly evolving world. If you are a small church this is geared toward you too! Come discover resources and options from the presbytery, like how to have a free landing page through MVP. Come All Who Are Thirsty: APCE Mary Beth McCandless and Leslee Kirkconnell, Leaders Come and learn about today’s APCE (Association of Partners in Christian Education) and the next APCE Annual Event coming up in January 2024 in St. Louis and online. Leslee Kirkconnell, Director of Connectional Ministry at Findlay First, and MB McCandless, Pastor of West Bethesda and West Eagle Creek in Williams County, will facilitation this conversation about why the Annual Event is a fantastic continuing education option for pastors and a great place for congregational leaders to revamp perspectives on Christian Education in today’s church! Leslee will also share the ongoing benefits of being members of APCE (for pastors, educators, and congregations). We’ll have info you can take back to your church (and possibly some Swag!). The Mission of APCE is to: connect, enrich, empower, and sustain all persons serving in educational ministries in the Reformed family of churches. The Gospel of Matthew Don Leckrone, Leader Dive deep into the Gospel of Matthew and the author’s mind (as seen in his instructions for piety in the Sermon on the Mount) and his mood, as seen in his critique of scribes and Pharisees. There will also be a sideways glance at the Lord’s Prayer. Bolsinger 201: Looking at What’s Next Ann Wasson and the Vision Team, Leaders The Vision Team will lead this discussion, intended for those who attended the Bolsinger Event at FPC Sandusky recently and take the conversation a step further. Looking at what’s next, a review of Tod Bolsinger/Canoeing the Mountains Event. |