Leadership Academy

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

The Leadership Academy of Maumee Valley Presbytery exists to develop and prepare lay leaders for service in the congregations of Maumee Valley Presbytery.  In Baptism, God has chosen us all as members of the priesthood of all believers, and called us to serve the church in a variety of ways, building up our common mission of Christ in the world.  As we face the challenges of our current context, now more than ever we are committed to the formation, education and continuing development of all leaders, as we live out the Great Ends of the Church.  These lay leaders broadly fall into two categories: Lay Worship Leader or a Commissioned Pastor.

The Worship Leader Program of Maumee Valley Presbytery forms, evaluates, and prepares candidates to be authorized and sent into ministry to provide occasional worship leadership and preaching to congregations and worshipping communities across the Presbytery. (This includes a course for administering the Lord’s Supper of your home church)

The Commissioned Pastor Program of Maumee Valley Presbytery forms, evaluates, and prepares ordained elders to be commissioned and sent into ministry to meet congregational needs for worship and pastoral leadership in ongoing service to congregations and worshipping communities where the placement of ministers of word and sacrament is impractical or where pastors are not readily available.  (This is also known as the Commissioned Ruling Elder or CRE Program)

If you are interested in our Leadership Academy, or would like to recommend someone for service, please email matt@maumeevp.org.

Are you interested in becoming a

Do you love Presbyterian worship?  Want to know more about reformed theology and reformed worship?  Want to gain more confidence in leading various aspects of worship?  This interactive hybrid class may be for you.  It includes exploring the Book of Common Worship, history of Reformed worship, writing children’s sermons, writing liturgy and prayers, and gaining confidence with worship leadership.

Offered Summer 2025

In Maumee Valley Presbytery, we authorize Elders to preside at the Lord’s Supper at their home congregation, when invited by their Session.  If you are interested in taking the Communion Training Course.  There are two classes offered for Ruling Elder Communion Training.

Individual Learning
– Study at your own pace with Rev. Dr. Matt Meinke.  This hybrid learning course includes some online videos, a learning packet, readings, and a two-hour in-person practicum course

In-Person Communion Training w/ Rev. Bob Butcher.  This course is offered every other year or so in a day-long Saturday workshop format. Coming Fall 2024


In Maumee Valley Presbytery, we train lay preachers who are hoping to help at their home church or go on the Pulpit Supply list.  If you are interested in exploring your gifts for preaching and are considering becoming one of our lay preachers (not necessarily a lay pastor) consider one of the two following tracks:


    1. Enroll in the Synod of the Covenant’s Cultivating the Gift of Preaching 18-month training cycle.  Includes rigorous training in biblical interpretation, reformed theology, and sermon preparation.  (This will satisfy a good portion of the requirements we have in Maumee Valley, but you will also need to complete a Summer Preaching Internship – 2-3 month assignment in MVP at a church that is NOT your home church) – Learn more at https://www.synodofthecovenant.org/cultivating-the-gift-of-preaching

    1. Take the Maumee Valley Presbytery Preaching Class – offered next in Spring 2025

(Includes 6 in-person classes about biblical interpretation, reformed theology, and sermon preparation, plus a summer placement internship in one of our churches)

The Commissioned Pastor Program of Maumee Valley Presbytery  has been developed in accord with provisions in the Book of Order.  Its purpose is to attract, discover, train, counsel, and support qualified individuals to provide leadership, nurturing, and service to member congregations. 


The CP Program (aka Commissioned Ruling Elder or CRE Program) seeks laity who feel called to serve the congregation in a variety of ministries.  The goal of the CP Program is to train ordained elders of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to be Commissioned Ruling Elders serving congregations in all aspects of ministry including but not limited to pastor, associate pastor, and other presbytery validated ministries. 


10 online courses  (usually through Union Presbyterian Seminary’s “Pathways to Learning and Leadership” or equivalent.  Usually 2 years of part-time student work).


Biblical Interpretation

  • New Testament Bible Survey
  • Old Testament Bible Survey
  • Reformed Theology/Church History
  • The Christian Life
  • Mission/Evangelism
  • Teaching the Bible
  • Pastoral Care
  • Polity/Administration
  • Worship/Sacraments


  • MVP’s in-person Preaching Class – Coming Spring 2025


How do I get started?

The first step is usually talking with the clerk or moderator at your church, and enrolling as an Inquirer.  You need to be an ordained elder and member of that PCUSA church in Maumee Valley.


The Application for the CRE program is included in these Inquirer forms.  Simply indicate clearly in one of the essays of your intention to apply to the Commissioned Ruling Elder program  of Maumee Valley Presbytery, and why you feel called to this (Forms 1A, 1B, and the sponsoring session must complete Form 1D).  This ensures, by enrolling as an inquirer in the preparation for ministry that an official covenantal relationship between the applicant and the church and the applicant and the presbytery will exist.  

Over the course of the next couple years, there will be a significant time for discernment, supervision, and processing of all aspects of ministry. Talk to Rev. Sara Hodsden for more information. 

     Full CRE Packet

     Checklist for Completion of the Process



If you are interested in learning more about any of the 4 programs, or applying for one of the opportunities listed above, please fill out the following: