Leadership Workshop March 1st

The changes around us present daunting challenges to the church, and we minister in places we have never been before. But there are no one-size-fits-all solutions because every church needs to attend to its specific situation and calling. We need to listen for not only what to do but also what not to do. In a world screaming in a thousand directions for our focus, it’s essential for us to become attentive to God, our congregation, and our community. The book, Attentive Church Leadership, co-authored by Rev. Jim Singleton, addresses these issues.

Rev. Singleton will be offering a leadership workshop based on the principles in his most recent book Saturday, March 1 from 10am – 3pm at First Presbyterian Church of Maumee 200 East Broadway Street, Maumee, Ohio 43537

RSVP by February 24 using the BUTTON BELOW. $15 registration fee (includes a boxed lunch) paid at the door.

 We also have Group Discussions leading up to the March 1 event.  Please find the gathering that is most convenient for you and RSVP to the leader no later than a week before the group meeting.

* Michigan – Doug Holmes will host a discussion over soup from 12-1:30pm on January 30 at First Pres Blissfield  (RSVP – pastordougholmes@outlook.com)

East Ohio – Sara Hodsden will host a discussion over soup from 12-1:30pm on January 29 at FPC Huron(RSVP – sara.hodsden@gmail.com)West Ohio – Vanlal Hruaia will host a discussion at the Ohio N. West pastors meeting on February 12.(RSVP – jhhruaia@hotmail.com)

Central & Toledo – Amy Remaklus will host a discussion at Toledo Campus Ministry over a light dinner at 6pm on February 3.
(RSVP – amyremaklus@yahoo.com)